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ASN Members
Online access to nephSAP is free for ASN members. If you are a current ASN member, use your ASN website credentials to sign in now and start viewing content.
If you are a nonmember and want to purchase online access to nephSAP, visit ASN’s online store to purchase a subscription, or join ASN and enjoy the benefits of membership!
If you are a nonmember with a paid subscription, use your ASN website credentials to sign in now and start viewing content.
Volume 19 (2020)-
- The link to the full issue PDF file is available to download approximately one week after the articles are published online
- Once available, the download link will be available at the bottom of the issue's Table of Contents page
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page (underneath the Self-Assessment Questions)
Volume 1-Volume 18 (2019)
- For issues published prior to 2020, visit ASN's website.
Browser Support
The ASN nephSAP website ( has been formatted for cross-browser functionality and should display correctly in all currently supported web browsers. Individual nephSAP articles are also available in Portable Document Format (PDF), which requires Adobe Reader or comparable PDF viewing software.
The nephSAP website supports all modern web browsers, Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera. Learn more at
Monitor Settings
The ASN nephSAP website is designed for responsive display. This means the content display will respond to the device you use and to your device's screen resolution.
Who do I contact if I need help?
Please submit a help request via our contact us form to request technical assistance.
Export nephSAP references for individual articles in a variety of formats*:
- Go to any article page
- Access the Full Text tab
- Expand the References heading on the Right Sidebar
- Select the references you’d like to export
- Select the blue Export Reference button
- Select the desired file extension*
- Save the file to the desired location on your own device
*As of May 2020, the following file citation formats are supported:
- *.ris (ProCite, RefWorks, Reference Manager)
- *.bib (BibTeX, Zotero)
- *.enw (EndNote)
My nephSAP is a feature that allows you to personalize your website experience. Create custom content collections, set search alerts and set notifications for new content. All alerts are set to “off” upon your initial login to the site.
To get started, log in and select “My nephSAP” from the top navigation. You can update your alert settings at any time.
All active nephSAP issues are eligible for maximum of 10 CME credits upon successful completion of the self-assessment exam. Detailed CME information is available in the front matter for each issue.
How do I claim CME?
- Go to the ASN CME Center and enter your ASN login credentials.
- Locate the activity name and click the corresponding ENTER ACTIVITY button.
- Read all front matter information.
- On the left-hand side, click and complete the Demographics & General Evaluations.
- Complete and pass the examination for CME credits.
- Upon completion, click Claim Your CME Credits, check the Attestation Statement box, and enter the number of CME credits commensurate with the extent of your participation in the activity.
- If you need a certificate, Print Your Certificate on the left.
For your complete ASN transcript, click the ASN CME Center banner, and click View/Print Transcript on the left.
Each issue of nephSAP provides 10 MOC points. Respondents must meet the following criteria:
- Be certified by ABIM in internal medicine and/or nephrology and enrolled in the ABIM–MOC program.
- Enroll for MOC via the ABIM website (
- Enter your (ABIM) Candidate Number and Date of Birth prior to completing the examination.
- Take the self-assessment examination within the timeframe specified in each issue of nephSAP.
- Upon completion, click Claim Your MOC points, the MOC points submitted will match your CME credits claimed, check the Attestation Statement box and submit.
- ABIM will notify you when MOC points have been added to your record.
ASN is committed to providing its members and all members of the kidney health care team with access to premium education content in an easy-to-access online format. In addition to nephSAP’s new look, we are excited to present a new experience for learners:
- Access nephSAP across multiple devices.
- Enjoy the easy-to-use interface and ability to personalize the site to your preference.
- Quickly search for content across multiple nephSAP issues.
nephSAP will no longer be distributed as an issue-level PDF flip book. Instead, each nephSAP issue will consist of multiple “sections” or “articles”. Each article is available to read online in HTML format or is downloadable in a print-ready PDF format. You will still be able to download the full issue PDF file, which will be located at the bottom of the Table of Contents for the issue.
If you prefer a printed, bound version of an entire nephSAP issue, Print On-Demand purchase options are available for select nephSAP issues.
All nephSAP issues, including archived issues, published before 2020 are available on ASN’s website.
- Active nephSAP issues (through Volume 18, Issue 5, Transplantation)
- Archived nephSAP issues (through Volume 18, Issue 5, Transplantation) will remain available on ASN’s website.
In order to transition nephSAP to its new format, three issues have been made available in both the previous format (flip-book PDF) and on this website.
- Volume 18, Issue 3: Infection Control
- Volume 18, Issue 4: Chronic Kidney Disease
- Volume 18, Issue 5: Transplantation
Starting with Volume 19, Issue 1, Hypertension (2020) all new nephSAP issues will only be available on the new website.
Print On-Demand is a service provided by ASN and Sheridan Press that allows users to purchase printed copies of nephSAP active issues from January 2014 forward. Pricing is based on the number of pages and will vary by issue. This service is available to all users, regardless of membership status or subscription, and is a convenient way to obtain á la carte offline study materials. Please note, delivery day varies based on the shipping method selected and an additional 5 working days should be added to process the printing.
How do I purchase Print On-Demand?
- Look for the blue Purchase Print On-Demand button (
) from any nephSAP issue or article page.
- For issues published prior to Volume 19, access additional information here:
Can I Access the Print On-Demand Store Without Adding Something to My Cart?
- Yes, you can. If you just want to browse the store, then visit
Can I Claim CME/MOC Credit for Purchased Print On-Demand Issues?
- No, you can't. nephSAP Print On-Demand is a supplement to the online nephSAP educational activity and is not eligible for CME or MOC. If you wish to claim credit, you should become an ASN member, which enables you to claim CME and MOC for any active nephSAP issue.